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Technology and Society: Free Speech and Censorship

This guide is designed to assist library patrons in easily locating resources for computing technology and its impact on society.

Books on Free Speech and Censorship

Free Speech and Censorship Amongst Social Media

The following are some good resources to better understand the complexity of social media platforms, run by private companies and corporations, and citizens' rights to free speech, guaranteed by the Constitution. 

Censorship LibGuide - this LibGuide provides resources about the wider umbrella of censorship in our society.

Free Expression on Social Media - from the Freedom Forum Institute, providing a good primer with some examples of what kind of free speech is protected on social media and what is not. 

On Social Media, American-Style Free Speech is Dead - Wired article discussing free speech and social media platforms.

The Limits of Free Speech in Social Media - Brett Pinkus, a lawyer, details for Constitutional Law, what the limits are for free speech in social media.

On Social Media - discusses some of the limitations of speech on social media.

Recent Cases on Free Speech and Social Media

Supreme Court Rules in Case on Cheerleader and Profanity - June 2021

STORY FROM THE FIELD: CHILDREN OF COLOR PUSHED OUT OF ALABAMA SCHOOLS OVER SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS - An SPLC community advocate describes how an Alabama school district’s surveillance of students’ social media activity is leading to unnecessary expulsions and suspensions for minority students.