The concept of wellness of Community:
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
How do the Arts embody the Olympic motto by contributing to community?
Create a work of art or piece of creative writing that empowers our ability to be faster, go higher, become stronger (in whatever sense), and find community.
How is the act of book banning or censorship more broadly antithetical to the ideals of Citius, Altius, Fortius, Communiter?
Discuss an innovation from history or our own time that exemplifies the ideals of Citius, Altius, Fortius, Communiter.
Discuss (or debate – a two-person or panel presentation possibility) how current technology may or may not encourage Communiter.
How have affinity communities historically outside the mainstream (such as Native, of color, women, faith-based, LGBTQ) succeeded in building community that fosters Citius, Altius, Fortius, Communiter?
Talk about the community you have found in college that supports the ideals of the Olympic motto..
Should the U.S. institute a mandatory National Service program? What countries have done so and what could we learn from them?
Choose and discuss a literary work that for you embraces the ideals of Citius, Altius, Fortius, Communiter (or one of the four). Alternatively, choose an author whose works speak to you in this way.
We’re entering a major holiday season, why are holidays important in society? Alternatively, focus on a particular holiday (e.g. Kwanzaa, which is the newest of the fall/winter holidays, or an ancient holiday) and discuss how it contributes to Communiter.
How did the modern Olympics come about? The Paralympics?
Discuss the evolution of how handicapped/disabled/other-abled people have been viewed and the opportunities they have experienced.
Discuss a time when the ideals of Citius, Altius, Fortius, Communiter have been applied in a manner that had negative consequences for society. (e.g. Salem Witch Trials, Nazi Germany)
What does science tell us about the building of community among other species?
Choose and discuss one of the world happiness indexes. What are the common characteristics among the top 5 or 10 countries on the list? (Note: Be sure to evaluate your source for authority – what is the methodology used in compiling the list?)
What do sacred texts try to teach us about striving to achieve what is stronger, higher, or about building community?
Deconstruct the phrase “the weaker sex.” What historically has this meant? What does it mean today, or does it continue to have meaning? How has the acceptance of this concept impacted sport, business, politics?
Let’s consider AI:
Look into the future (consider researching what some futurists have to say) – if we reach a point when we have AI beings walking among us, how might we define Citius, Altius, Fortius, Communiter?
Talk about the overall impact of AI on an aspect of the theme.
How have films depicted AI beings living among the human species and the repercussions?
How has fashion played a role in Citius, Altius, Fortium, or Communiter?
Panel presentation drawn from a class
Affinity group presentation (e.g. student organization such as the BSU, Allies, Hispanic/Latinx & Friends, Greek Life; Athletics)
Creative work (e.g. work of visual art, creative writing, theatrical reading)
Individual paper presentation