Serials Solutions Article Linker is an excellent tool for locating full-text electronic journals and magazines available to Huntingdon students, faculty and staff through our subscription databases. Searching can be done several ways, the most common being either by title or subject area. Subject areas from which you can choose are pre-determined, so at times which general subject area is appropriate for you research topic is not explicit. As an example, for Advertising and Consumerism, you would select “Business & Economics.” You then will see “Advertising” listed under the subject heading “Commerce” and notice that there are currently 50 e-publications available. Clicking on “Advertising” will take you to an alphabetical listing of titles that will include information on the specific database that contains a particular title along with date coverage.
If you experience difficulties with the Serials Solutions link below, it may be due to the browser you are using. Try using Microsoft Explorer.
Here you will find a very select list of e-journals related to the field of advertising. You can access these titles and others appropriate to your research through the Library’s databases and by using Serials Solutions Article Linker.