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Women's Studies: Databases

"New truths begin as heresies." - The Heretics

Viewpoint Databases

Using Our Databases:

When searching our databases for articles, chapters from ebooks, etc. in the area of Women’s Studies, keep in mind that in addition to the interdisciplinary and point-of-view databases listed on this page, there may be more discipline-specific databases worth searching.  For example, if researching women and sports, you should include SPORTDiscus (EbscoHost) in your search.  Women and psychology?  Include PsycINFO and PsycARTICLES (also in EbscoHost).  Women in business?  Try searching in Business Source Premier (EbscoHost).  You get the idea.  And both Newspaper Source (EbscoHost) and Newsstand (ProQuest) are excellent databases that include coverage from international newspapers to U.S. regional papers.

Open Access

Interdisciplinary Databases

First Female Presidential Candidate of a Major Party
