Houghton Memorial Library's Geographic File is an often overlooked resource. Nevertheless, it has valuable information in it. The Geographic File contains pamphlets, brochures, maps, annual reports, statistical data about countries and regions of the world, and information about international organizations that serve those countries and regions. Students enrolled in business. economic, political science, and current world affairs courses will find this information especially valuable for their research papers and course projects.
There is a caveat, however, in the use of this information. Remember, all countries and organizations tend to present or highlight only the favorable aspects of what they do and overlook or omit altogether the negative aspects. The U.S. is no exception.
The Geographic File is located on the first floor in the Reference Area. As you enter the Library through the main doors, go left around the Circulation Desk and you will see the Geographic File located there.
Geographic File material can be checked out of the Library for a limited period of time. See either the reference or circulation librarian for permission.
Henricus Hondius' "ornately decorated world map first appeared in the 1633 edition of the Atlas that was originally published in 1595 by the Flemish cartographer Gerard Mercator and subsequently published by Jodocus Hondius and his sons, Jodocus, Jr. and Henricus, and his son-in-law, Jan Jansson. The world is depicted in two hemispheres, which are bordered by the representation of the four elements of fire, air, water, and land as well as portraits of Julius Ceasar, the second-century (A.D.) geographer Claudius Ptolemy, and the atlas's first two publishers, Mercator and Hondius." (Atlas Collection, Library of Congress)