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Animated Films: Home

This LibGuide was created by Paige Crumbley, Access Services Librarian, while she was a student library intern.


Being a student myself, I know that every so often we need a break from all the acedemia and step back into our childhood. What represents our childhood more than animated movies from companies like Disney, Pixar, Dreamworks, Warner Brothers, and Touchstone? I'm compiling the movies that we have from all of these different sources as well as the books from which some of them are based! I hope this is helpful for you in attempting to choose a film for an animated movie night.

Animated Gifs

Subject Guide

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Paige Crumbley
Houghton Memorial Library
Office: Past the first archway to the left as you enter the library. If I'm not at this desk, I may be at my other office in the back--ask someone at the circulation desk.