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Animated Films: Touchstone

This LibGuide was created by Paige Crumbley, Access Services Librarian, while she was a student library intern.




Nightmare Before Christmas Quotes: 

"I'm a master of fright, and a demon of light, sand I'll scare  you right out of your pants. To a guy in Kentucky I'm Mister Unlucky and I'm known throughout England and France. And since I am dead, I can take off my head to recite Shakespearean quotations. No animal or man can scream like I can with the fury of my recitations."  - Jack Skellington

"Like music drifting in the air, invisible, but everywhere." - Jack Skellington

"Jack, please! I'm only an elected official here, I can't make decisions by myself!" - Mayor

Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Quotes:

"I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way." - Jessica Rabbit

"Eddie Valiant: You crazy rabbit! I'm out there risking my neck for you, and what are you doing? Singing and dancing!

Roger Rabbit: But I'm a toon. Toons are supposed to make people laugh.

Eddie Valiant: Sit down!

Roger Rabbit: You don't understand. Those people needed to laugh.

Eddie Valiant: Then when they're done laughing, they'll call the cops. That guy Angelo would rat on you for a nickel.

Roger Rabbit: Not Angelo. He'd never turn me in.

Eddie Valiant: Why? Because you made him laugh?

Roger Rabbit: That's right! A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

"Here's to the pencil pushers. May they all get lead poisoning." - Eddie Valiant