Houghton Library provides access to numerous resources so that students and professors can successfully research their topics and interests. Most of the resources are paid through tuition funds so that you have free access to them. Subscription databases and websites are available for free when you are on campus. However, you need to request a library card in order to have access to these resources when you are off campus. The process is simple and easy.
Go here and apply for a library card.
This card will then allow you to borrow books from the Library. It will also allow you to have access to these research databases and subscription based websites so you can do research from off campus as well as on campus. You can also contact our Access Services Librarian Elizabeth McCord, who can assist you with any questions you may have about getting a library card.
Reference Desk: (334) 833-4560
Research & Interlibrary Loan Librarian (Assistant Professor): Paige Crumbley
Access Services Librarian (Assistant Professor): Elizabeth McCord
Systems & Electronic Resources Librarian (Assistant Professor): Daniel Dubei
Director of the Library (Professor): Eric A. Kidwell
From your Hawks email account, click on the 9 dots in the top right.
Scroll down to the bottom until you see the Cayzu Support Portal link.
Click on that link. When in Cayzu, scroll down until you see the FAQs.
Click on the Frequently Asked Questions (or FAQs), and scroll down until you see the link for getting Microsoft Office.
Click on that link and in the new page, right click to open the link to Microsoft's website in a new tab or window.
In Microsoft's website, begin the process of creating your free account to have the Office suite on your computer.