In the interest of security, the College had determined that the Library is now accessible by card swipe only for all hours of operation (i.e. not only the "24/7" hours). Huntingdon students, faculty, and staff will need a current Huntingdon ID to access the building. Off-campus visitors should call before arriving on campus so arrangements to visit the Library can be made.
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Contact the Library via phone:
(334) 833-4421 or (334) 833-4512
* Remember -- The virtual Library is always open!
Please note: The Library is now accessible by card swipe only. If you are a community user, please call ahead using one of the following numbers so arrangements can be made for you to access our Library: (334) 833-4421 or 833-4512
Fall Semester Hours:
Full Library Hours:
Monday - Thursday, 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, 5:00 - 9:00 p.m.
All other hours are "24/7" access.
Archives Hours:
Generally - Tuesday-Thursday, 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
NOTE: Off-campus guests should call before visiting. (334) 833-4421 or 833-4512
Please join us -- novices and those experienced welcome. We'll meet Wednesday nights at 6:00 in the Library Atrium. The schedule for the Fall (subject to change) is below, but students are welcome to attend and work on a different project if they like.
14th: Welcome back, meet & greet, asking what they are interested in doing and updating on our schedule
21st: knit/crochet (practice stitches, projects available for more advanced)
28th: knit/crochet
4th: button making (making graphics)
11th: button making (making the buttons)
18th: friendship bracelets (with Dr. Fremlin) *You don’t have to be a Swiftie to participate!
25th: open (potential bracelets pt 2)
2nd: crochet (Halloween Bats)
9th: crochet (Halloween Bats)
*16th: Day of the Dead paper flowers/ofrenda
*23rd: Day of the Dead paper flowers/ofrenda
*30th: DIY projects or learner squares
6th: “Vintage” satin ball tree ornaments
13th: “Vintage” satin ball tree ornaments
20th: DIY
*to be discussed with potential partner organizations