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English 105/106 2024-2025 Resources: English 105 Resources

This guide provides easy access to some of the databases and resources students need.

Using Databases and Subscription Sources

Need a Library Card?

Houghton Library provides access to numerous resources so that students and professors can successfully research their topics and interests. Most of the resources are paid through tuition funds so that you have free access to them. Subscription databases and websites are available for free when you are on campus. However, you need to request a library card in order to have access to these resources when you are off campus. The process is simple and easy. 

Go here and apply for a library card. 

This card will then allow you to borrow books from the Library. It will also allow you to have access to these research databases and subscription based websites so you can do research from off campus as well as on campus. You can also contact our Access Services Librarian Elizabeth McCord, who can assist you with any questions you may have about getting a library card. 

News Sources

The New York Times - To gain entry to the full site (whether faculty, staff, or student), simply complete a short registration here. Be sure to use your Huntingdon email address. This provides you with full access to everything going back to the 1860s. Once you complete the registration and create an account, feel free to go to New York Times's website for full access. 

The Washington Post - Full access from EBSCO Host. 

The Los Angeles Times - Full access from EBSCO Host. 

Chronicle of Higher Education - Full access from Chronicle's website.

The New Yorker - Full access from EBSCO Host.

Christian Science Monitor - Full access from EBSCO Host.

USA Today - Full access from Gale.

Forbes Magazine - Full access from EBSCO Host.

The Atlantic Magazine - Full access from EBSCO Host.

Bloomberg Magazine - Full access from EBSCO Host.

The Financial Times - Full access from Gale.

Newsweek - Full access from EBSCO Host.

ProPublica - Investigative journalism, available for free on their website.

The Associated Press - National and International News source, free on their website.

The Times of London - Full access from Gale. 

Flipster - Provided by EBSCO Host, you can view a large number of magazines exactly as in print. GQ, Vogue, ESPN Magazine and many more.

Media Bias Chart - From Ad Fontes Media, their Media Bias Chart covers reliability and bias in most media sources.

Database Resources

Additional Databases

Additional Library Resources

Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives - The DALN is an open public resource made up of stories from people just like you about their experiences learning to read, write, and generally communicate with the world around them. If you have a compelling story to share (it can be text, video, audio, or a combination of formats), we'd love to hear it.

The following are additional resources to assist students and faculty in their research.

ALA Guide on Information Literacy - Good information from the American Library Association about what Information Literacy means, including the following quote from the ALA Presidential Committee on Information Literacy: Final Report, released January 10, 1989:

"To be information literate, a person must be able to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information. Producing such a citizenry will require that schools and colleges appreciate and integrate the concept of information literacy into their learning programs and that they play a leadership role in equipping individuals and institutions to take advantage of the opportunities inherent within the information society. Ultimately, information literate people are those who have learned how to learn. They know how to learn because they know how knowledge is organized, how to find information, and how to use information in such a way that others can learn from them. They are people prepared for lifelong learning, because they can always find the information needed for any task or decision at hand."

CRAAP - This is a great tool from the Benedictine Library on evaluating resources. As they write: "CRAAP is an acronym for Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose". This should help in knowing your resources well. 

Search Tips LibGuide - This is a Library Guide created to assist in effective tips in searching for sources. When you are faced with thousands of journals and hundreds of thousands of articles, finding the articles you need can feel daunting and overwhelming. These tips will help in reducing the clutter to get closer to what you are actually looking for. 

Citation Sources LibGuide - This is a Library Guide providing information on how to properly cite sources in a research paper. 

Recognizing and Avoiding Plagiarism - A great guide created at Cornell University to recognize and avoid the pitfalls of plagiarism. 

Copyright and Fair Use LibGuideThis is a Library Guide designed to shed light on copyright and fair use law.

Information Literacy LibGuide - This is a Library Guide for Information Literacy.

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